Analisis Artikel Populer Kontrapaham Takfiri dalam Portal Keislaman NU: Perspektif Semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce

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Dian Annisa Rizkyah Wati
Syaifulloh Yazid


The emergence and dissemination of takfiri ideology can be attributed to historical interpretations stemming from the Khawarij and Wahhabis, contributing to the radicalization of individuals. This trend has led to adverse outcomes, such as the disruption of religious harmony, the erosion of fundamental religious tenets, and the escalation of intra-Muslim conflicts resulting in violence. Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), as a proponent of the Aswaja sect, has proactively engaged in efforts to confront takfiri influence. This study aims to examine NU’s endeavors, particularly through its official platform, NU Online, in countering takfiri ideology. Employing qualitative and library research methodologies, this inquiry utilizes Charles Sanders Peirce’s semiotic framework to analyze the discourse against takfiri ideology on NU Online. Peirce’s semiotics revolves around the notions of representamen (sign), object, and interpretant. The findings underscore that the materials opposing takfiri ideology on the NU Islamic portal primarily advocate for moderate Islamic principles, to cultivate critical thinking and moderation among Muslims to resist extremist ideologies like takfiri beliefs. NU, recognized as a peaceful, tolerant, and nationalist mass organization, actively champions moderation within Islam, seeking to immunize its adherents against extremist interpretations.


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How to Cite
Wati, D. A. R., & Yazid, S. (2023). Analisis Artikel Populer Kontrapaham Takfiri dalam Portal Keislaman NU: Perspektif Semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce. Journal of Ushuluddin and Islamic Thought, 1(1), 98–113.


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