Neo-Sufisme di Indonesia: Studi tentang Pemikiran KH Agoes Ali Masyhuri Sidoarjo

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Mas Nurul Aini
Syaifulloh Yazid


Sufism has long been revered for its emphasis on spiritual development and fostering a personal connection with the divine This qualitative study delves into the realm of Sufism and its contemporary manifestation known as Neo-Sufism, which represents a renewal of Sufism within the Islamic tradition. In contemporary Islamic discourse, Neo-Sufism emerges as a revitalized approach within the Sufi tradition, offering fresh insights and adaptive strategies to address the challenges of modernity. Using a biographical study approach, the research seeks to unravel the intricate thought patterns of Agoes Ali Masyhuri. It reveals that Agoes Ali Masyhuri draws inspiration from the sophisticated philosophies of al-Ghazali, yet he infuses his own dynamic reinterpretations to offer practical solutions, particularly tailored for modern society. Notable features of Neo-Sufism evident in his thought include a balanced and moderate stance, a rejection of extremism, and a strong emphasis on values such as dignity, benefit and peace. His neosufist perspective is characterized by inclusivity, adaptability, and relevance to contemporary life challenges, making it a pertinent approach amidst the complexities of the modern world.


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How to Cite
Aini, M. N., & Yazid, S. (2023). Neo-Sufisme di Indonesia: Studi tentang Pemikiran KH Agoes Ali Masyhuri Sidoarjo. Journal of Ushuluddin and Islamic Thought, 1(1), 125–136.


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